Ear noise, or tinnitus

Noise, or ringing in the ears, is technically called tinnitus.

When someone has tinnitus, they hear a sound that comes from inside their ear and not from outside. Tinnitus is not a disease itself but a sign of an illness.
There are about 740 million adults in the world who hear or think they hear things that don’t come from outside sources. That’s 14% of all adults.

People who have tinnitus may hear a noise that sounds like buzzing, tingling, crepitation, hiccups, or sibylle. This noise is often linked to hearing loss. Different sounds can be heard by different people at different times. You can hear these sounds best when it’s quiet or when the person isn’t paying attention to anything else. This means that the whistling is more likely to bother someone when they are trying to sleep.

How different people feel about this noise is very different. Some people are really bothered by the symptoms, while others don’t mind them at all.

The type of hearing that most people have is subjective. It happens when the hearing lobe (the part of the brain that processes sounds) doesn’t work right, and it’s often a sign of hearing problems. The exact way this strange behavior starts is not fully understood by doctors.

Subjective hearing loss
Tinnitus is a symptom of more than 75% of ear diseases, and it often happens to people who have hearing loss, no matter what caused it. Some of these diseases are:

-Acoustic trauma

-Getting older (presbiacusia)

-Some medicines (OTC) and drugs can be the cause of that

-Ménière disease

-Constant headaches and migraines

middle ear infections, diseases that block the ear canal (like outer otitis), too much wax or foreign bodies in the ear, problems with the Eustachian tube (which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose) because of allergies or other reasons, otosclerosis, and temporomandibular disorders. A benign vestibular tumor is also a dangerous but rare cause.

Objective ringing

Objective ringing doesn’t happen very often
These whistles are more common as you get older. There are no changes between men and women, but there is an interesting difference between regions.
Objective tinnitus is usually caused by noises made by blood vessels close to the ear. If this is the case, the sound is rhythmic and happens with every beat.
One reason is that the carotid artery or jugular vein is flowing quickly and near the ear.
This uneven blood flow can be caused by anemia or a buildup of plaque in the arteries (aterosclerosis), and it can get worse in people who don’t keep their blood pressure under control.

Signs to Beware

hearing loss in only one ear or If you have any neurological symptoms besides hearing loss, such as: dizziness or trouble seeing, speaking, swallowing, talking, or if you have trouble standing or walking,

In any of these cases, please consult a doctor as soon as possible.

When researching the market for ways to slow down this process or decrease the noise already existing, I realize that in the area of medicine there are still not many alternatives.
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See this curios story about an astronaut with tinnitus